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Rudolf Nyari

Coach cu nivel de acreditare:



Cluj (sesiunile se pot ține și online)

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Despre mine

I am a professional coach who specialises in team performance. I began my career in academia before transitioning to entrepreneurship, where I developed, built, and implemented my own ideas, aspirations, and dreams in the companies I founded. Passionate about growth and educational sciences since 2015 I support professional coaching both by educating other specialists in the field and by organizational and sports cosching interventions, currently I am a Volunteer in ICF Romania Team.

Cum continuu să învăț?

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De ce vreau să fac parte din acest proiect?

sustin coachingul profesionist

Ce inseamna diversităte pe piața muncii pentru mine

Piata muncii trece printr-o perioasa de schimbare in care diversitatea tot mai mare va avea un caracter de normalitate in cativa ani. Cum ne adaptam acestei schimbari ramane o provocare dar si o oportunitate pe viitor

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